Update meetings with Mayors from project municipalities

In April 2017 the AQH Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader undertook a series of individual meetings with the Mayors/Deputy Mayors from the municipalities where the project is being implemented to update them about our progress so far and our plans for the coming year. The meetings gave us the opportunity to share with them the report on the Quality of Care study as well as the 2016 Activity report, and specifically to update the Mayors on the management training programme, the Quality Improvement Projects in their municipalities, and also the activities that are currently underway for the procurement of basic PHC equipment. The discussions were very informative and a number of the meetings were subsequently reported by the local media.

We were able to meet with 10 Mayors/Deputy Mayors during April and the outstanding meetings will take place during May. We appreciate the Mayors taking time to meet with us and thank them for their ongoing support for the project.