Service Package Working Group

As part of our ongoing work on the implementation of Service Packages, a Working Group has been established to oversee the different components of work. This Working Group (WG) has national experts that will continuously be involved during the implementation of Service Packages and will provide relevant professional feedback to PIU, ensuring the Kosovo context and sustainability of the process.

The first workshop with the WG was held from 12-13 July 2017 in Prevalle, where 4 expert groups that will work on specific topics were established: 1) Health Educator Training; 2) Diabetes and Hypertension Training; 3) Patient Passports and Registers; 4) Patient Information Materials. Also, during the workshop in Prevalle, members worked in groups to select existing materials and tools on specific topics (eg. passports, registers, training materials etc.) for further adaptation by the expert groups. It is planned for the 4 expert groups to meet in the next weeks in order to start the development of the materials and tools needed for the implementation of service packages.