The AQH project, again this year, supported the National Institute of Public Health (NIPHK) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) to mark World Heart Day.
Information materials for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the improvement of the quality of the population’s health were distributed in 7 regions of the country, in Prishtina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Gjakova, Gjilan, Ferizaj, and Peja.
Video messages about the importance of preventing cardiovascular disease were shown in the main points of the city of Prishtina and Lipjan. The activity with the community was held in the city of Lipjan, the demonstration side of the AQH Project, where citizens had the opportunity to receive advice from health professionals on heart disease and maintaining health.
This activity aimed to raise awareness of the population for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and improve the quality of their health.
Take care of your with all your heart!