As part of Service Packages for Diabetes and Hypertension, family medicine nurses that are working in Health Resource Centers (HRCs) and trainers from National Institutions (NIPH and CCNE) have completed three cycles of Training of Trainers (ToT) on ‘Motivational Counselling’ with an International Consultant.
In the first cycle 23 participants were trained (19 females/4 males), whereas in the second and third cycles 13 participants were trained (12 females/1 male). All three cycles of the training were composed of theoretical as well as role play sessions where participants had the opportunity to practice this new approach and the best ways to provide health education using motivational counselling techniques. In addition to training materials, AQH project also developed a ‘Folder’ for health educators with additional materials in health education and motivational counselling.
Considering that motivational counselling is a new approach in offering health education, it is foreseen to have two more missions with the International Consultant to strengthen the skills of future trainers through supervision and coaching before rolling out the training to the rest of the nurses.