Developing an Integrated Care Model for Fushe Kosova

AQH project is working on piloting an Integrated Care intervention in the Municipality of Fushe Kosova. The working group (WG) at municipal level is established to provide input to the International Expert- Dr. Viktoria Stein who is developing the integrated care model. The initial workshop with the WG members and the international expert was held during 13-14 September 2017, to introduce the principles and key elements of integrated care and to define the integrated care for the local context. Also, the WG members assigned the target group for integrated care to be patients who are above 65 years old with type 2 diabetes. Following the initial workshop, the WG continued on drafting the Municipality Profile of Fushe Kosova which informed the feasibility of the integrated care model. Furthermore, a rapid review of the international literature showed existing evidence on integrated diabetes care for older people, and formed the basis for the draft model.

Integrated care-based disease management programmes for type 2 diabetes in (older) adult populations: A literatue review